Are you:
- Done with trying to find a spiritual leader to follow in this 3D plane and ready to become your own oracle/channel?
- Looking for a deep study into the Mysteries of the Higher Realms so you can become the healer that you came here to be?
- Ready to become strong spiritually and financially as you step into your highest potential as a lightworker?
- Craving the intimacy of being an active member of a family of Light?
Beloved, you are one of the Light Engineers bringing in the New Earth with your very life and your incredible spiritual gifts.
You have been prepared through lifetimes to expand into your full ministry now. You were never meant to do this alone.
There’s an entire heavenly team, specifically focused on you
and your work in the world.
They are ready to love you, guide you, and expand your experience
as a wealthy spiritual leader.
I have been a Spiritual Mentor for over 18 years. I trained at Agape International Spiritual Center under Michael Bernard Beckwith. I have mentored thousands of clients and students in the depths of financial lack and heartache and have helped them, with the Ascended Masters and the Archangels, to heal their hearts and lives by connecting to the Light of their own Divinity.
I am passionate about empowering Lightworkers spiritually and financially so you can expand your service in the world.
I have experienced deep financial pain in my life. I’ve also know spiritual rebellion.
I come from a family of evangelic Christian missionaries. I had zero money training. I also was spoon-fed from an early age that my role was to be a submissive wife and mother. Women had no place in spiritual leadership.
My life spun out of control as a young wife and mother. I couldn’t even walk into a church for 20 years, without feeling claustrophobic.
My ‘freedom journey’ was painful and liberating. As a single mom, a musician, and a spiritual seeker, I continued to barely eek out a living.
When I became a Spiritual Practitioner I finally took ownership of my spiritual gifts.
When I started working with the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and the entire Company of Heaven everything in my life went to another level of co-creation.
My self-doubts (which use to take me out for days at a time) and feelings of unworthiness vanished.
My sessions and my classes started to go really deep. People started being healed of cancer, broken hearts, and financial pain.
My income has steadily increased. The gap from a desire to manifestation has gone from years of waiting, to days and moments.
I am so clear about what is mine to do and I am filled full with JOY.
I’m not unique. This is happening to all my students as well and it can happen for you.
That’s why I created the Seven Sacred Flames Master Class.
The Seven Sacred Rays are a university for us. They will help you learn how to raise your own vibration. You will gain mastery over your feelings and your thoughts with the help of the Ascended Masters.
In this masterclass we will work with the Seven Sacred Rays, one at a time. Each Ray is designed to assist you in the restoration of your soul, your heart bliss, your financial well being and your divine faculties (your psychic connection).
These immortal and eternal Flames of God will work for you as you work with them as you ascend (transcend all human conditions).
This class will not only show you how to access and use the wisdom of the Ascended Masters and the Archangels, but you will build your own relationships with these Mighty Beings. That means your spiritual progress and practice will be TURBO CHARGED.
What happens to you when your spiritually strong? You have the courage to fly past your insecurities and become visible as a Lightworker, fully supported financially in this world.
Listen to the Seven Sacred Flames Morning Light Meditation to experience the Rays HERE.
Here is what you will learn in this class: