Channeling Mother Mary

I want to share how I channel Mother Mary. 

My intention is to show you how you can also begin to receive the highest guidance through a direct connection with the Heavenly Realms, especially your Higher Self and your team of Ascended Masters and Archangels.

As I’ve said before this has been a very organic process for me.  It’s a process of focus, intention and rhythm. 

In this video you’ll hear me tell you all about how I’m channeling Mother Mary.

There is something that happens when I take the time to make a formal request rather than just speaking out something in the wind as I run around in my daily activities.

This is the way that I channeled Mother Mary’s book, 21 Days to Abundance through the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary.

the key to this channeling business is to have a strong spiritual practice.  To have a rhythmic daily practice of tuning in to your High Holy Self, your God Self. This is the key that opens the doors of Heaven.

First Step:
I begin by spending time in communion with My Beloved I AM Presence.  I come into my heart and allow it to expand in Love – Remembering who I AM and connecting to my Eternal Self.

Second Step:
Increase that connection with Almighty Spirit, Father Mother Presence…the very reason for my existence.  This continues to expand the opening of my heart. 

The heart is where everything happens.

I have a special Mother Mary crystal that I use to assist me in my communication with her.  I use a Zozyte with a small ruby strain in it.  I use Crystals as conductors and transmitters of divine energy.  So I have this beautiful Zozyte next to my body when i do this work.

Third Step:
I’m now ready to connect with Mother Mary in a formal way.  I have a ritual that I repeat every time I’m ready to sit down and hear the messages she has for me.

Mother Mary speaks to me throughout the day as well, but this ritual is when I really want to get deep into the guidance, wisdom and instruction that she has for me.  And the messages that she wants to get out into the world through me

So this ritual consists of me getting out my iPad and looking at a beautiful picture of Mother Mary at the same time I’m listening to her keynote, her song,  Ave Marie.  I love Josh Groban’s version.  

And as I’m listening and gazing at Mother Mary I focus on the lifting up into her heart and becoming one with her.

Fourth Step:
I always express my gratitude for her presence in my life and then I focus totally upon her through my heart.  Then I simply stay connected and listen and write.  

This may sound strange to you but when i got this keyboard to add to my iPad magic began to happen.  These mystical experiences happen in the most practical ways.

Every time I do this my trust builds.  My trust that I’m able to hear this important work of as we bring in a new paradigm of abundance for Lightworkers and that this is real.

I can hear myself in the words that come through.  This makes a lot of sense to me.  I am the willing vessel and I am part of this channeling.

So this is how I channel Mother Mary.

I hope this helps to encourage you to begin to step in the guidance of your Beloved I AM Presence and the instruction of the Beloved Masters and Archangels.  For they truly are here to help you ascend and transcend this world of lack and separation into your pure God Freedom. 

I’d love to hear your experiences of receiving messages form the Heavenly Realms.  Please share below.

And keep you ears and eyes open for my next video, which is an invitation from Mother Mary and I to to join us in a feast of Abundance. 

21 Days to Abundance through the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary was released on Jesus’s Ascension Day, May 10th. 

And don’t forget Beloved you are Powerful and you are Precious.  You are worthy of every good thing.


  1. Elizabeth Guida

    I AM truly looking forward to May 10th . . . .connect with you at that time. Thank you and many Blessings SiStar!

  2. Martha Monson

    I was dazzled to receive your video. I know where you are coming from when you told of your ipad and keyboard magic. Before this magic tool was given to me as a Christmas gift, I would type hardcopy, to which was angsting. Than TaDa ipad engaged my writing and research needs. I finished the book within two years, the reason I wrote the book is because I did not like the way Martha was always perceived as a bitter one. The story is written as missives from Aunt Aprilis, to the Roman soldier Ennius, who asked Jesus to heal his servant from where Jesus stood, remember? It is the gospels written through the eyes, ears and heart of Aunt Aprilis who is guardian to Lazarus, Martha and Mary Magdalene in the book she is called Maralah. The title is Oprah, Read This. I have yet to get it published because I feel insecure. I am now writing a book about Sarah Pardee Winchester of the Winchester House, telling how and why she began the continuous 24-7 building. Is this what you mean by experiences with the ipad magic?

    1. Jen Post author

      Beloved Martha, please publish Maralah. This community will support your in reading it. Yes, TaDa with this soft little keyboard that let’s you focus on receiving.

  3. Marisa

    Dear Jennifer,

    thank you so much for this video and I would love to share my own experience with Mother Mary. My ritual is very similar to yours. Every day, I have the urge to listen to Ave Maria, especially one video with a beautiful picture of her. It is also the favorite video of my little girl and old soul. She is just 3 years old and her connection to Mother Mary is powerful, she wants to listen to Ave Maria on a loop. When listening to the music and looking at the picture, I feel how my heart expands and I picture my heart grafting with hers. I also say it out loud and ask for our vortex to be open. I picture a spiral full of light and it expands.
    Mother Mary always comes with me when I meet my clients either in the Women’s Circles I facilitate or in the individual session. I ask her to help me connect heart to heart.
    I am so thankful and grateful for her assistance and unconditional love. She is powerful and yet so humble, also very direct and sincere! Much love and light your way, Marisa.

    1. Jen Post author

      Thank for sharing your beautiful experience with Mother Mary Marisa. I love hearing about your 3 year old daughter. Awesome!

  4. Pamela White

    Thank you Jennifer for sharing your wonderful gifts. I do meditate every morning and I am connecting more with the Archangels and Jesus and now Mother Mary. And will practice listening to Ave Maria. Connecting to Mother Mary ‘S Heart is so powerful .
    Thank you with Love and blessings. Pamela

    1. Jen Post author

      Beautiful Pamela. Yes connecting to Mother Mary’s heart is an incredible gift. Keep on sister.

  5. Pawel

    Would you be possible for you to get in touch with me?
    I have some questions about Highest Goddess that resides on Paradise Isle in Central Universe.
    I know you have some contact with beings from other side so maybe you could help me with my problem.
    I would really appreciate it.

  6. Sam

    I just came across this site because I was interested in who else was receiving messages from Mother Mary. Before I write anything down, I move to Center, which is my way of saying I connect with the Divinity within me. I feel this for a moment before I ask Mary a question. I haven’t really done the gratitude thing, but I will make sure to incorporate it. One time I woke up around 3:30 in the morning. It was a day that I skipped channeling/automatic writing because I was afraid after I found out my guide was Mary.

    I could tell she had a message for me, so I centered myself and wrote it down. She is definitely not what I expected or thought she was. But everytime I do this, not only does my trust build, but a sense of peace and healing too.

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