Spring Equinox Angelic Cleanse


Prepare yourself spiritually for the cleanse

Please take some time to prepare yourself. · Take a short inventory, write about this past year, March to March. What are you grateful for and what did you learn? Feel into this New Season, what are you taking with you and what are you leaving behind? · Decide in advance, what is the purpose […]

Call Info and Replays – Spring Equinox Angelic Cleanse

Day #1 Event Title: Spring Equinox Angelic Cleanse Date & Time: Sunday, March 15th at 6:30 AM Pacific To attend this event, click here 15 minutes before the event time: WEBCAST & REPLAY https://InstantTeleseminar.com/Events/120613341    If you don’t have access to the web, you can listen in by dialing (425) 440-5010, and using the following conference […]

Message from Lady Hope

    “I AM the Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection, Servant of the Most High Living God, and came tonight from the heart of the Universal.   “Why does not mankind command Me? Why does not mankind seek Me? Why am I not welcome within the breast of the human race – when the smallest blossom, […]

Dr. Edward Group


We’ll be using Dr. Edward Group’s expertise for the physical part of the cleanse. Dr. Edward has done years of research on the incredible benefits that come from cleansing and detoxing regularly.  He will be our guide for the physical part of our CLEANSE. “We want to empower people to support their health naturally. By […]

Love your body – Day 2

Today we are radically loving our body. “My Beloved Body, I love and adore you.” “You are the Resurrection and the Life of Perfection.” “I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Perfection of my Eternal Youth and Beauty.” Dry brushing My friend Daryl’s complete thoughts on dry brushing. This is a powerful decree for […]

Clearing the Past – Day 3

BREATHING GOD’S PURE SOURCE OXYGEN Take time to pause throughout the day and do this powerful breathing exercise from Patricia Cota-Robles and the Bridge to Freedom. AFFIRMATIONS “I AM pure Freedom. I command wholeness.” “I AM pure Freedom and I bless all of life free.” Clear the Past What are you taking with you and […]

Craft you prayer – Day 4

Affirmations “I AM willing to fulfill my sacred vows.” “My path is made clear.” Today we are crafting out prayer for the next season or the rest of the year. This prayer can be in any form that you choose. There are no limitations. As we entered into the deepest Sanctuary of our heart during […]

So we begin – Day 1

Affirmations “I AM the Resurrection and the Life of Perfection” Through out the Cleanse we’ll be: taking more time to meditate and be still taking at least 5 minutes a day to enjoy getting your feet or your hands, or both, on the EARTH and connecting with the Elemental Kingdom, Mother Earth, and your body. […]

Spring/Fall Equinox – Day 5

Goddess of Spring, Amaryllis  The Goddess Amaryllis is the spirit of spring. This beautiful goddess mastered the mental plane and the air element and, as a result, was given the power to rejuvenate those matrices within the consciousness of man that lead to the fulfillment of his divine plan. Amaryllis embodies the green and gold of the precipitation flame that […]