This Thing Called YOU + the LAW


Lesson 2 – TTCY

Replay link:   Opening Meditation – All the good there is is mine Jedi training #2 (make sure you have completed Jedi training #1 before you go into this training)   You will be connecting with your heart’s desire and giving yourself time to listen to your intuition every morning this week.   1.  Picture the symbol of your heart’s […]

Lesson 3 – TTCY

Replay:   Closing Meditation of catching the Divine Pattern of your Heart’s Desire       Jedi training #3 (make sure you have completed Jedi training #1 & #2 before you go into this training)   This week we will be catching and using the the Divine Pattern within your heart’s desire.   Use the […]

Lesson 4 – TTCY

replay       Jedi training #4 (make sure you have completed Jedi training #1, #2, and #3 before you go into this training)   This week we will be clearing out the old beliefs and expecting our good to come.   1.  See the symbol of your heart’s desire and the divine pattern behind […]

Lesson 5 – TTCY

Replay   Jedi training #5   This week we will be clearing out our auric field with the help of your Creator Warrior Beings and create a powerful invocation for our hearts desire.   DO THIS EVERY DAY THIS WEEK!     1.  Meditate for a few minutes, contemplating the first treatment in chapter 10 […]

Lesson 6 – TTCY

Replay Jedi training #6 DO THIS EVERY DAY THIS WEEK!    Meditate for a few minutes, contemplating the second to last treatment in chapter 11 of This Thing Called YOU!   The spirit of Infinite Peace flows through my whole being. I live, move and have my entire existence in this Peace. I know there […]

Silence Practice – TTCY

  Silence When the lips are closed, there is room for the heart to speak. When the heart is silent, the great inner mystery of the spirit can blaze up and illuminate life. This is the secret that all mystics know, the keeping of Silence as a Spiritual Practice.   In our busy lives, we […]

Lesson 7 – TTCY

Jedi Training # 7 Continue to mold the mental equivalent of your Heart’s Desire and flood it with your emotions daily.   If you haven’t already create a container of conviction, as a treatment for your Heart’s Desire, do that now..  Make sure it is alive and burns in your belly.   Keep fine tuning […]