Beloved Riders of the Light, it’s time to rise out of the ashes and isolation of Covid 19 and let your Phoenix rise into the JOY of the Solstice and your Ascension.
Come for a play day to reactivate your inner child’s creativity. Come and anchor your old soul wisdom in preparation for the next season of Glory in your life.
Ignite Your Joy is a full day retreat and ceremony on June 21st from 8 AM - 5 PM PDT.

We’ve entered into the Age of Miracles and everything’s accelerated.
You are not a robot, surviving from one task to another.
You are Magnificence Itself. You are a Queen, a Master, and a White Fire Being. You are ascending.
Close your eyes and feel into the rebirth that is happening within you. See yourself soaring out of the sorrow and oppression of the pandemic into the lightheartedness of a Sunrise.
Aaaaah ... let go and relax in the warmth of the healing Sacred Fire. You are Home.

What will you experience at Ignite Your Joy retreat?
You’ll be taking a whole day off to nurture yourself.
Your inner child will have full permission to play outside of the lines in color and paint.
You’ll open your voice in chants and light language, releasing old ideas that you can’t sing
You’ll nurture your body in the healing power of Reiki and Chi Gong
You’ll be clearing the space for joy to happen as you meet your personal Dragon
You’ll be reunited with your sibling lightworkers

Does this sound like you?
Are you craving some soul care?
Maybe you’ve been taking care of someone else and you’re exhausted and feeling disconnected
After the pandemic are you having feelings of ‘what’s next’ and wondering what’s yours to do now?
If you’re doing a lot of your spiritual work alone and feeling isolated, you’ll love connecting with this Family of Lightworkers that are ready to ignite bliss ... together.
We need you to be there Beloved, for you are part of us.
The Solstice is a COSMIC EVENT

Solstice is a cosmic vortex and event. It’s a time when the mystical forces of transformation and the entire Company of Heaven are deeply present for those of us who know how to call them.
The Solstice is a big solar cycle and holds us in intense communion with the Light.
If you are moving into summer it is time to receive and actualize that which you’ve planted in the Spring. If you are moving into winter it’s time to complete that which you’ve been creating.
We’ll complete our day with the ritual of a Solstice Ceremony.

A team of Golden Fifth-Dimensional Dragons will be circling us all day and maintaining the high frequencies of Light to support and protect our ascension.

We’ve had an amazing inward journey for the last 14 months.
We’ve had to go deep and take a long look at ourselves and do a lot of healing.
As more and more is revealed of our individual journey it’s now time to ...
Come back together!
We need each other and our group connection to RISE into our Ascension!
We are being retooled for what is ahead.
Taking time to retreat together on this powerful day will give you a place to anchor in a circle of strong spiritual sisters that are ready for the huge revelations that are to be put into motion now.
This sacred container will give you unexpected support to break through the old and welcome the new. Not to mention a-ha’s and MAJOR breakthroughs! This day retreat is life-changing.
Make no mistake, on this journey, with the support of Practitioners, the 5th Dimensional Dragons, and the Company of Heaven’s powerful energy you will:
- Step out of your daily grind with full permission to have a spiritual spa day
- Connect with your inner oracle and strengthen your practice of trust in yourself, your intuition, and your guidance
- Recognize the power and alchemy of your relationship with your inner Phoenix and your personal Dragon
- Get clear on what’s next in your life and how to take your spiritual practice to a higher level of intimacy
- Reconnect with your dreams and artistry
- Share, share, share in the joy of being together and RISING

This Solstice Retreat is a ‘YES’ for you if…
- You know you are a Lightworker who is focused on your ascension.
- You deeply care about helping more people and making the world a better place.
- You are open to all spiritual traditions
- Believe in honoring Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, and the Galactic Council of Light
- You’re okay with being vulnerable within a sacred family of light.
- You love sacred passage and ceremony.
- You’re both excited and ready for an adventure.

This retreat is a NOT for you if…
- You aren’t willing to take a leap of faith.
- You don't believe we are ascending.
- You don't believe in Angels, Ascended Masters, or Dragons
- You enjoy making excuses, being negative or defensive.
- Adventure, personal growth and major breakthroughs bore you.
- You aren’t willing to laugh, cry, and get a little messy.
Just because we care, you’ll also receive:
- Access to a Private Retreat Facebook Group and Whatsapp group– so we can connect before, during, and after the retreat – and of course swap dream and art journal photos!
- Share Your Spiritual Experiences in Writing Session with Julaina Kleist-Corwin, M.Ed. Julaina is is a teacher, writer, and an Ascension Practitioner. During this session she'll show you how to write about your spiritual experiences as a memoir, legacy, or personal record. ($50 value)
- Post Retreat Integration Session with Maggie Constantino, Cancer Journey Coach and Ascension Practitioner. During this session, she will help you ground in your intention for the season, gain clarity on this intention and look at next steps. ($50 value)
-Gift of Jennifer’s music – a download of Golden Light Collection. Solo piano pieces infused with light language and over-souled by Lady Venus. Dragon Play, Golden Mist, and Every Glory. ($25 value)
What’s Included
A day of delighting in the opening of the Solstice in play, art, journaling, movement & dance, guided meditations, a healing session, and a Solstice ceremony + lots of deep sharing via Zoom (breakout rooms) with Jennifer and the Ascension Practitioners from the Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy.
What’s Not Included
At this time we feel that for your safety and for the ease of your decision, we’ll meet online via Zoom.
Our Retreat Leader
Jennifer Ruth Russell

Jennifer has been a Spiritual Mentor for more than 18 years. She trained at Agape International Spiritual Jennifer has been a Spiritual Mentor Center, in Culver City, California, under Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith. She has mentored thousands of clients and students in the depths of financial lack and heart ache, helping them to heal their hearts and lives by connecting to the Light of their own Divinity.
Jennifer is the founder and director of Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy. Diving deep into the Mysteries of the Higher Realms empowers students to become the healers they came here to be, emerging as an oracle of guidance for themselves and others.
Jennifer is also an award winning songwriter. Songs have always poured out of Jennifer’s heart. She loves to take people into the stillness of the soul and the playfulness of the light. She has written and recorded eleven CDs, including her award winning Virtues Songs A-Z for children, re-released as the Angel Songs for the Little Ones.
Jennifer is an author. Her two books, 21 Days to Abundance through the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary and How to Create with Mother Mary and Friends are tender connection with the Queen of Angels and instruction manuals on a new way of creating, through the Divine Feminine. Her third book, Empowered Prayer, contains a simple, doable form of prayer for the Age of Aquarius and has just been released.
Jennifer is the creator of Morning Light Meditations podcast. The first light of day is your chance to connect with your own superpowers, your Source. Come bathe in soft music, soothing meditation, and light songs.
When you are in her presence you will feel the deep connection of the Angels.
“A moment with Jennifer is like immersing yourself in the inspiration of the best music and the love of a most powerful prayer.” – Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith
Meet your Guides for the Day
The Ascension Practitioners are centers of transformation. They have been willing to go into the depths of spiritual leadership and remain transparent and authentically themselves. They continue to turn every stone of resistance into victory in their own lives and help others to do the same. They are bringing their full awakened gifts to this retreat. You will not only fall in love with them, but you will receive the gifts that they open heartedly bring.

Our Schedule for June 21st
We urge you to clear out your entire day for this retreat. All times are Pacific.
Morning Session 8 - 11 AM
Intentional Lunch Break 11 - 1 PM
Afternoon Session - Solstice Ceremony 1 - 5 PM
Everything will be recorded for you to enjoy over and over again.

My Beloved Friend,
You are a spectacular expression of Spirit.
You are not only powerful and precious, you are courageous. You have volunteered to be here at this amazing time of the Earth’s Ascension.
This retreat is a day of self-care, community, and discovery. And a time to gather and treat yourself to the unconditional love of your family of light with you on Earth.
I can’t wait to see you. To see the whites of your eyes and to behold your beauty.
We are transcending the maya of this world, being of great service through our spiritual discipline
and now……
It’s time to play in the Light together. To be refueled and renewed in our journey of Ascension.
I would love to dance and sing and heal in the Lovelight with you. I invite you to create with me.