
Am I lovable?

A Message from Kwan Yin and Mother Mary

“There is a seed of self-loathing that we want to help transmute into pure Self-Love.

It is so deep in the subconscious that it seems almost normal to most people.  Here are some examples of what it is costing you.

  • You are over-giving in many of your relationships. You start to lose yourself and your ability to feel your own desires, you are so busy taking care of everyone else.


  • When you lose your ability to care for yourself and your own heart, your ability to create is diminished.  Your heart is where the creative process begins.


  • It affects your bank account, because you don’t value yourself enough to ask for what you need.  You’re afraid to ask for a raise or an exchange of money that you are worthy of.


  • You sacrifice yourself and your value, over and over again.  It seems impossible to you to charge for your sacred gifts and your time even at the market value in today’s world.


  • You stop dreaming the BIG dream for your life.  "I’m not enough," has literally taken over and the dream has diminished to a small wisp of a cloud in the back of your mind.


We want to heal your heart from centuries of feeling unlovable.  This is a part of your ascension into the 5th dimension.

You must heal your heart while you are here on Earth for this is where the energy has calcified.  It must be freed on this level.

We are urging you, insisting that you do this NOW.

Until you have healed your Self-Love you will not truly know how precious and powerful you are.

Let us help you do this NOW.”

We love and adore you,

Kwan Yin and Mother Mary

Kwan Yin’s temple of Mercy is pulsating the magnificent Violet Flame of Mercy, Compassion, Transmutation, Freedom and Forgiveness this month in FULL POWER.

This is what you'll experience this month in Sanctuary:

  • You'll meet your personal Temple of Mercy Lady Master that will be assisting you throughout this month.
  • A deep release of centuries of self doubt & unlovable memories
  • A heart healing beyond what you can even imagine
  • A visceral remembering of how  loved you are
  • A restoration of your ability to desire and create
  • A transmission of Mercy and Divine Grace
  • A healing chant of redeeming Love from Yeshua

When we gather to do this work the energy builds into a powerful movement of divine energy and allows us to experience a powerful,
permanent restoration of our soul.

You can sign up for one healing at a time for $11.11
(scroll down on the page to see this choice)
A monthly subscription of $19.97

You can cancel at anytime.  Please give us 48 hours notice.





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