I’m thrilled to be bringing Opulence Infusion – a new faith currency to you now, it is a huge leap of faith for me.
Have you ever been super excited about something, and your knees are shaking at the same time?
I feel like I’m riding giant waves of rainbow light on my little golden surfboard. I’m at the crest of the wave. Am I going to crash and tumble or enjoy the best ride ever?
The project, known as the Pure Gold Project, started out as an experiment.
Saint Germain gave me a challenge. “What about precipitating (manifesting) pure gold?” It was a passage that I had read in I AM Discourses – Volume 3, that had begun this conversation.
I Took the Challenge
I took the challenge. The Pure Gold Experiment with Beloved Mother Mary, Saint Germain, and an entire team began to form. Slowly I was given bits and pieces of spiritual techniques. My heart and my vision opened to a new faith currency as I kept meeting more Magnificent Beings of Light.
I had an awakening with the Dragons and the Golden White Unicorns and they joined the Pure Gold Team. I was drawn to share these messages with my inner circle, Creative Abundance with Mother Mary.
Witnessing money miracles and seeing the new faith currency active in their lives and mine has given me the courage to bring this magical instruction manual to you.
Our new book, Opulence Infusion – a new faith currency
Our new book, Opulence Infusion – a new faith currency, is a leading-edge instruction manual. This book will lift you into a blissful and magical experience of all needs met, all the time, every time! No matter what.
I am absolutely loving connecting with Opulence, my abundance team, my unicorn, and dragon and all the beings of Light that you and Mother Mary are bringing forward in your book. New faith currency resonates with the core of my being. I read a chapter and do the meditations each night. Some of my favorite chapters I repeat for several nights to allow them to fully integrate. Mary Pat Hulteng (early reader)
I want you to have a copy right now!
Join the Book Launch Celebration to receive a pdf of our NEW BOOK instantly!
You’ll also receive these special exclusive gifts:
- A Calibration Chamber Meditation with Mother Mary which will immediately lift you to the frequency of the new faith currency. You’ll use this meditation over and over again.
- Six downloadable MP3s of Jennifer’s, Opulence collection, the musical companion to this book to help you receive the abundance infusions and activations of Pure Gold and integrate them.
- An invitation to join me and the entire Pure Gold Team for a special 90-minute Opulence Equinox Ritual and Celebration on March 20th.
This Morning Light Meditation is taken right out of this book. It’s an empowered prayer, a decree, that I’ve been declaring for many years.
“You are a magnet, a focus point, a station of creatin on Earth. When you make the call, your call is answered, right where you are.” ~ Archangel Michael, Opulence Infusion – a new faith currency
This empowered prayer, Abundance for Lightworkers, will activate your auric field. It will make you feel that the entire Universe is at your attention. LISTEN HERE!
Thank you for being part of my family.