Discover the Power of Your Lightbody
Are you ready to feel lighter, more connected, and full of vitality in your expanded lightbody? What if there was a way to gently transform your mind, emotions, and body into a vessel of light, health, and harmony? Expand Your Lightbody 101 offers the solution—a gentle and approachable journey to integrate the teachings of Expanded […]

Lemurian Temple of Rejuvenation and Healing
Welcome to the Lemurian Temple of Rejuvenation & Healing Experience Profound Healing and Restoration Join us for a monthly gathering at the Lemurian Temple of Rejuvenation & Healing, where a powerful team of Light Beings, anchored by a High Priestess and a Reiki Master, create an unparalleled space for healing. Held on the 4th Monday […]

New Faith Currency
Are you ready to download a new spiritual technology, something that has never happened before? I believe we are heading to a system of no money. Michael Tellinger has been talking about this for years. We’re not there yet. The current system of exchange is here now. We are used to it, even though […]

I Am a Messenger of Truth
You are a Messenger of Truth Have you ever considered that each of our chakras symbolizes a specific aspect of our spiritual journey? After tuning in to the recent presidential debate, I couldn’t help but notice a stark contrast: one candidate struggled to articulate thoughts, while the other spoke effortlessly off the cuff. Lately, I’ve […]

Expand Your Lightbody for Opulent Health & Eternal Youth
Are you ready to expand your Lightbody for Opulent Health and Eternal Youth? Imagine walking this Earth enveloped in a radiant light, a living testament to the beauty that resides within each of us. In the words of the Great Divine Director, “Then We shall give them Bodies such as have not been manifest before […]

Opulence Infusion – a new faith currency
https://youtu.be/rb8YLsClhlg. I’m thrilled to be bringing Opulence Infusion – a new faith currency to you now, it is a huge leap of faith for me. Have you ever been super excited about something, and your knees are shaking at the same time? I feel like I’m riding giant waves of rainbow light on my little golden surfboard. […]

Dark Nights of the Soul
When you start to see your dark nights as a friend, not an enemy, these times of darkness will become the fertile ground of creation.

My Best Kept Secret
Want to know what my best kept secret is? Keep reading. Take a deep breath with me and let it go really slowly. Aaaah … the breath of Heaven. I could tell you a lot of tidbit secrets. Such as – I love silly games and long car rides. They work well together. I love a […]

Personal channeling session with Mother Mary
Would you like to experience a personal channeling with Mother Mary? If you could ask the Divine Mother anything, what would it be? You share an intimate connection with Mother Mary. She was there, weaving your Divine Perfection into the very essence of your heart before you were even born. She knows you completely and […]

Is your Guardian Angel Sleeping?
Or perhaps you think it’s simply a myth. The good news – your Guardian Angel is very real. Your Guardian Angel is one of the most important relationships of your life. Firstly, your Guardian Angel was trained for eons of time to become a Guardian Angel. And they chose you. Secondly, if you haven’t acknowledged […]