I have experienced leaving the tribe many times.
I’ve just returned from a family reunion.
My family of origin belongs to the tribe of zealous evangelical Christians. They are my perfect storm, my true allies in my journey of Oneness and Perfect Unity.
I’ve chosen the deep dive of the ‘I AM’ Presence of the Living Mighty Father-Mother within me as my Divine Authority, not Jesus.
The Ascended Jesus Christ, whom I call Jeshua is my Elder Brother, my teacher, my intimate friend, and has helped me in leaving the tribe many times.

“Again, I urge you to think of Me as your Elder Brother, ready to give you Assistance at all times. Do not think of Me as a Transcendent Being so far beyond your reach that contact is impossible; for the “I AM Presence” which enabled Me to make the Ascension is the same “I AM Presence” that will enable you to make the Ascension as I did; only today, you have the Assistance of the Great Ascended Host of Beings who have won the Eternal Victory and joyously stand at your service as you make yourselves ready. With My Love I enfold you. I again repeat: “ ‘I AM’ with you always.””
The Ascended Jesus Christ – ‘I AM’ Discourses – Volume 3
Leaving the Tribe Healing
As a Lightworker you have experienced leaving tribe many, many times. For we are the ones that open up to the new ideas of Ascension.
The tribe does its best to keep you within the beliefs and traditions that make a tribe, a tribe. That keeps the boundaries and the rules safe and unthreatened by new ideas.
Have you experienced or are you experiencing a difficult divorce?
Do you long to be seen and acknowledged for who you are?
Do you feel like a stranger in your own family of origin?
Are you ready to release the old heartache of separation?
It’s time to accept your true power of your GOD FREEDOM of who you really are, beyond the tribe.
When a Lightworker goes into the unknown you are fulfilling your divine assignment of expanding the Kingdom/Queendom of Heaven.
Jeshua and the Beloved Mother of us all Mother Mary have called us into the Temple of Resurrection to heal this ancient wound of separation together.
We’ll be live in Sanctuary on Sunday, August 11th at 5 PM PDT. You can pick up the replay any time here.
Leaving the Tribe is an illusion of our Earth schoolroom. Releasing the heartache is an important step in our Ascension to the Higher Octave of Mastery.
Yes to all of these! I bave been divorcedand remarried. I have lived away from my family for 27 years but just separated from all the family activities a year ago. I am rediscovering myself personally and professionally. As usual, perfect timing for the healing.
Thank you for your courage Maria.
Yes, ready to leave the illusion of separation, loneliness an rejection
Thank you for this opportunity.
Thank you for taking it Sue.
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