Virtual Ascension Ceremony

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Ascension Ceremony Call


Beloved Ascending Masters,


We will be meeting the 3rd Saturday of every month unless it’s a Holiday weekend.


We will be sharing together and going deep into a Virtual Ascension Ceremony together.


This is a high ceremony and doing it together will be powerful and amazing for all of us.


I love you,




Prep for our Virtual Ascension Ceremony





This is a powerful ceremony for us to do together.  As we continue to do it every month, it will build a momentum in our community, our gathering forcefield and your personal light center.


The purpose of this ceremony is to push you along on your personal ascension.


All that momentum is also helping Gaia, our mother Earth, with her ascension into the 5th dimension.


Here’s a list that will help you prepare.


1.- Make a list of your spiritual goals, especially your goal of ascension. * Here is a Sample Prayer.


2.- Get a crystal, or designate one that you already have, as your special ascension crystal.


3.- Designate a place in your home that you will be using every time we meet.


4.- Choose a chair that will be your Atomic Accelerator.  Sage or cleanse this chair and put a special ceremonial cloth on it. Gold is the best.


5.- If you have pictures of Adama, Saint Germain, and Serapis Bey, have them handy.


6.- Prepare an elixir.  This can be any non-alcoholic golden drink.


7.- Prepare your altar before we begin.  On this altar place a candle, a white flower(s) in a vase, pictures of the above masters, your crystal and a glass of the elixir.  And a list of your spiritual goals.


You are now ready for our Virtual Community Ascension Ceremony



Candidature for Ascension



Signing my candidature for Ascension literally changed my life.  It was a little flame of a desire at the time.  It has turned into a huge fire of my heart. My Divine Union is now my burning desire.


If you are serious about your Ascension.  Print out this document and sign it.


Message from Master St. Germain


Channeled by Denise Laberge as a result of this commitment


Peace be unto you, my brothers and sisters!


I send into each one of your hearts my Violet Flame Ray surrounded of gold, to assist you and to give you an extra level of strength to fulfill the solemn commitment you just made to the Creator, to your own “I AM Presence” and unto yourself.


It is for us of the Light Realm a great honor and privilege to see you all gathered here in this manner. It was for us a very great joy to witness the enthusiasm with which you have all accepted, and without hesitation, to commit yourself to this great personal challenge. Know that the whole planet is most grateful for the engagement you just made.


The planetary Goddess, the Earth Mother, is now placing her hand on your group, diffusing in each one of your hearts a golden pink Ray of Light in order to bring Her support, Her love and Her light to assist you directly in the commitment you just made. This commitment is not only personal but also planetary, as it will serve as well the whole planet and all of humanity.


Now, by your action, you have just set in motion a great revolutionary movement in the Realms of Light and a great wave of awakening in the consciousness of humanity. In truth, each human being of this planet is linked to all others; you are all linked together.


In making this commitment verbally in this great celestial temple, you have been heard by all of Creation, and this, all the way to the Sacred Heart of the Creator. In order to thank you, an extraordinary assistance is now allocated to each one of you. From this moment on, seven guides will remain with you permanently and will diligently assist you until the day of your ascension. They will work with you relentlessly until your feet are solidly positioned on the last step of the Ascension golden stairway that will open for you the doors of the great Hall of Ascension.


Our hearts are filled with Joy and Light. Know that you are never alone. Be sure to ASK and ASK again and again the assistance of your guides and also ask them to join with the new guides that have just been assigned to you.


We bless you from our hearts. Know that our love for you is most pure and profound.

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