What is your spiritual freedom?
Freedom to be my powerful authentic self every moment of my life by walking daily in the Glory of Heaven. That’s my definition of spiritual freedom.
Sometimes it’s hard for me to believe how much my life has changed since I began working with the Ascended Masters and the Archangels.
Do you feel like you’re not enough? Does anxiety greet you every morning?
Those feelings drove me to try and prove my worth by working really hard and making sure everybody liked me. It was exhausting.
Watch the unveiling of my painting. It will inspire you.
My Spiritual Freedom
The Spiritual freedom that I feel in my life now to express my creativity and the desires of my heart brings me so much joy and happiness.
I literally feel that I’m living in the magic of the silver lining.
For instance, I’ve never been able to paint or draw, so I thought.
The art of Australia totally inspired me.
Our studio and garage doors needed to be painted and I thought….why not? And I decided to give it a go.
And look at the result. I am truly amazed and delighted. (See below for my before and after pics.)
I feel grounded and whole. The flow of bringing the desires of my heart into my life and experience is getting easier and more fulfilling.
I’m not doing this alone. I don’t have a secret magical formula.
It’s the Angelic host, my friends. My relationship with them makes everything in my life shine with the Glory of Heaven.
I’m inviting you to step into these relationships too.
The human potential movement has run its full course. We were never meant to live on Earth without a full team of support from the heavenly realm.
I’d love to have some time with you to talk about where you are in your spiritual journey and see what’s next for you. Click HERE TO BEGIN!
Experience Healing in every Area of Your Life
The curriculum at the Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy is expanding. This Academy is designed so that you can experience complete healing in every area of your life, including your financial freedom.
Are you ready to feel super connected to the Company of Heaven?
Are you ready to step into your spiritual freedom?
I’m inviting you to apply for an Ascension Clarity Call now. Let’s talk.
I can’t wait for you to start living in the magic of the silver lining.

It’s me Jennifer, Pamela from our Violet Flame and prayer warrior sister for Thursday at 5:00 pm PST. ??????? I LOVE LOVE LOVE the artist in you comung out with a bang? How timely is that….. AND confirming 4 me — tomorrow my group therapy sisters & I are having a “sip and paint”…. It was bc of what I shared regarding my desire to paint, sing write and to finally “come out from among them, shine and share my gifts with the world….” as my teacher Rev Michael (Agape Intl. Spiritual Center) teaches. Lilith is absolutely beautiful?
Awesome Pamela. Thank you and Hallelujah!
Jennifer, these paintings are so wonderful! Thank you for sharing this with us.
My joy Trudy. Thank you for sharing this with me.