Aaaaah Ho’oponopono Sanctuary this week!
This week one of my students asked me why the meditations she was doing by herself didn’t feel as powerful as the guided meditations we do together in our circles.
Here’s the short answer. When you bring your light and combine it with mine and with other lightworkers and with the Company of Heaven and with the Sacred Rays everything multiplies and amplifies…especially the momentum of Light within you.
It’s like comparing the strength of one string to that of a strong rope that has combined many strings together.
I’m inviting you to expand your Light, with me, with Saint Germain and the Violet Flame, and the entire Company of Heaven and a community of lightworkers for Sanctuary this Sunday at 5pm PDT, online.
We are going to be focused on the Ho’oponopono Pray.
The Ho’oponopono Prayer is an ancient Huna prayer that makes all things right. The simplicity of these four lines, I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you can heal anything in your life.
So whatever is challenging you right now, if it’s financial, your work, a relationship or your health; we’re going to heal it together this Sunday.
Saint Germain tells me that this prayer is an activity of the Seventh Ray, the Violet Ray, the Ray of Freedom and loves forgiveness.
Please receive my gift to you of this powerful prayer chant. The MP3 of the Ho’oponopono Prayer Chant will download right away to your computer after you access your free gift. Don’t miss it. CLICK HERE!
My chiropractor told me I’d have to get an operation on a pinched nerve. I said, ”No, I have something a lot more powerful.” I listened and sang to your Ho’oponopono Prayer Chant the 1.5 hour drive back home. My neck healed. My Doctor was amazed. Your CD gets me into that place of completely knowing the Truth. – Jill Sorensen
I’m interested in your discussion
Thank y
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