


Nurturing the Blissful Observer

Everything is happening quickly now.  Have you been noticing the mass movement of FIRE? It’s as if the entire world is going up in the smoke of irritation, anger, protests, and wildfires.

There is a deep cleansing of all illusion and human density going on.

I invite you into Sanctuary to restore your soul and to lift into the balcony of the blissful observer and be nurtured.

Humpty Dumpty is having his great fall.

Yet, all is truly well.

The Divine Plan is taking place, radiating an enormous amount of Love of the Divine Feminine.  Lady Nada is the BIG MEDICINE that is holding this Sacred Space for us this month.

Your greatest service to see that plan completed is for us Lightworkers to remain calm and peaceful in our Divine Presence.  To stay in the balcony, beyond limiting human ideas, systems, and structures. The balcony of the Blissful Observer.

The best way to do that is to stay High in the Light fully nurtured.

Lady Nada the Goddess of Love will be taking us through an initiation of transfiguration.

In this Sanctuary you will:

  • Experience Lady Nada’s incredible Presence of Unconditional Love
  • Accelerate your Ascension as you step up in vibration, permanently
  • Be welcomed into a new way of being as you receive your new seamless garment of Christ Buddha Light
  • Be saturated in Ruby Violet Radiance and the Light Song  so you go beyond your human limitations