Every prayer is heard and every prayer is of the heart.

Do you feel inadequate when you pray, and long to be fluent in speaking the word?
When someone is having a hard time and asks for prayer, do you panic and wish you had some words for them?
Are you ready to learn a simple, doable form of prayer that is super effective and powerful?
The Creative Power of the Universe is waiting for your choice and direction. It's time to command the Light through the power of your word.
We begin July 16th @ 1 PM PT // 4 PM ET // 9 PM BT!
“Out of nothing. And out of no-thing, and out of no way, a way will be made.” Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith
As we become more and more at home with Saint Germain’s instruction on using the tool of invocation to create, our prayers become more and more creative.
During the Mosaic Law, we had to have a priest pray for us. Someone to intercede on our behalf. The high priest held the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.
During the Piscean Age, Jesus taught us how to pray this way, “Our Father, who art in Heaven.” We had a direct connection to God - out there.
Now we are in the Age of Aquarius and we are being asked to step into our Divine Authority and co-create with our feelings and thoughts, which come together perfectly, as our spoken word.
Empowered prayer is so practical. I use it for everything in my daily life.
Here are some places where prayer is so useful.
To set up your day for Glory; perfect synchronicity in your schedule, goodness, and abundance overflowing, all needs met, love in action, etc.
When you need a boost of courage, peace, or love.
When you need to raise your energy field.
When you’re not feeling well.
When you want a project to go smoothly.
When you’re working on releasing a negative pattern.
When you’re getting ready to have a difficult conversation or in the midst of one.
When you want to feel more joy and inspiration.
When you want to heal a challenging relationship.
When you're in crisis and overwhelm.
Empowered prayer is standing in the Truth that God’s will for you is only Perfection.
Empowered prayer is standing in the Truth that God’s will for you is only Perfection.
You don’t need to change Spirit’s mind about anything. You just need to access the Infinite Intelligence, Love, and Wisdom that is your Divine inheritance.
If you don’t speak your word and intention, guess what? You are someone else’s minion. You fall into the default energy around you. It's like being in the middle of the ocean without a paddle or a life preserver.
You can recite prayers that are already written. However, it will never be as powerful as speaking your own word.
Prayer builds faith and spiritual strength.
This is why Mother Mary, Saint Germain, and Archangel Michael, and I created Empowered Prayer master course.
In this eight-week LAB you’ll:
Learn a new simple system of prayer that you’ll use over and over again.
Find out what your Divine Authority is and be empowered to speak from it.
Discover the power of calling in the Ascended Masters and Archangels to lift you up into super-powered prayer.
See the importance of Divine Protection and master how to use it.
Get over your shyness and performance anxiety about speaking your prayers out loud.
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As a child of Evangelical missionaries, I learned to pray to Jesus.
As a metaphysician, I learned the power of Oneness and Affirmative Prayer.
In this Age of Aquarius, we are stepping into our sovereignty. We are literally pulling Heaven on Earth with the help of the Company of Heaven. We are commanding our divine inheritance to fully activate now. This is Empowered Prayer.
Empowered Prayer is like the blues. It's a simple form of creative expression.
The blues is a simple 12 bar form. Once you learn it, you can play the blues with any other blues musician instantly.
So many of my clients and students have asked me to teach them to pray as I do.
You can! There's no secret to it.
You'll soon be riffing your incredible creative power through your own words.

How do you get out of fear when you wake up in terror at 3 AM?
When you start to feel discouraged, how do you come out of it?
Use coupon code: ISAYYES
and receive 50% discount on your first month of active membership
" At first I feared empowered prayer would be blasphemous and presumptuous. However, as I took baby steps and practiced speaking my word in a positive, empowered way, I FELT a direct connection with the Divine, and all fears fell away.
My marriage and relationships with my family improved quickly as I began noticing how much easier my life was becoming. The beauty is I know that empowered prayer contributes and supports me living a beautiful life no matter what is going on around me." ~ Paula
"As I learned Empowered Prayer, I began to see that my word is powerful. I learned how to connect to my heart’s desire and bring that into my life
What has changed for me is that I AM empowered to take responsibility for my life and my choices. It has brought me hope and a spark of what is possible and how to work with the physical world and the spiritual world in ways that support me.
Practically speaking: I have been healed from cancer with conventional medicine, alternative, and supportive therapies in addition to Empowered Prayer." ~ Maggie
"This was one of the BEST classes I've taken! It's helped me so much in feeling a strong sense of connection at all times. Thank you Jennifer for sharing your wisdom!" ~ Lisa
How does this master course work?
We'll begin on July 16th at 1 PM PT // 4 PM PT.
The Empowered Prayer Lab will continue meeting online via Zoom for 5 Tuesdays alternating between 8:30 AM and 1:00 PM PT, to accommodate all time zones and varied schedules. All classes will be recorded for you. Check your timezone here. https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
The practical exercises and meditations will get you started right away using Empowered Prayer in your everyday life.
You'll have an opportunity to practice speaking your word in a safe and loving environment with our Prayer Labs. These breakout sessions will be small and intimate.
You'll have a prayer partner who will be holding you as you hold them in the highest light throughout the course.
Your textbook for this master course is Empowered Prayer with Mother Mary, Archangel Michael, Saint Germain, and myself.
This is what Mother Mary has to say about that. "This is the time for lightworkers to command and decree with authority and there are no books that I can send you to. So let’s write one Jennifer."
Use coupon code: ISAYYES
and receive 50% discount on your first month of active membership