
Complete Freedom

Complete Freedom

What would you give for your complete freedom? What would your life be like if you experienced financial freedom, freedom in all of your relationships, and freedom in your body and in your mind? If you were completely free to be yourself and follow your heart, what would you be doing? Freedom is the strongest […]

Violet Flame Invocation Circle

Violet Flame Invocation Circle

A Sacred Gathering for Global and Personal Transformation Our bi-monthly Violet Flame Invocation Circle is a powerful space for spiritual alchemy and collective healing, held under the loving guidance of the Ascension Practitioners of the Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy. Together, we invoke the transformative energy of the Violet Flame to dissolve limiting patterns, heal […]

Prayer Made Simple

Prayer Made Simple

Activate your Abundance with Mother Mary in our *FREE* 21 Day Challenge! How do you get out of fear when you wake up in terror at 3AM? When you start to feel discouraged, how do you come out of it? When someone is having a hard time and asks for prayer, do you panic and […]

Be Outrageously Courageous

Be Outrageously Courageous

I want to share with you today how Archangel Michael and Lady Faith helped me to become outrageously courageous. We’re leaving neutral ground. We are in new territory. We’ve never been here before. It’s time to get our courage on. Do you feel that you lack strength? Especially when it comes to speaking your truth […]

Your Sacred Vow

Your Sacred Vow

Have you ever taken the time to think about your sacred vow, the agreement you made around money and wealth? When I took the time to make the inquiry it completely changed my life. Day 13 from 21 Days to Abundance Through the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary we are given this instruction from Mother […]

Channeling Mother Mary

Channeling Mother Mary

I want to share how I channel Mother Mary.  My intention is to show you how you can also begin to receive the highest guidance through a direct connection with the Heavenly Realms, especially your Higher Self and your team of Ascended Masters and Archangels. As I’ve said before this has been a very organic […]