Come play with me
Come play with me, a message from my inner child to yours. Hey are you having fun being the little one? Are you playing in the garden? Do you want to have a play date? We could explore and have a great adventure doing nothing at all. We could giggle and laugh with the little […]

Resurrect Your Finances
I love this time of year for many reasons, but my favorite is that the Resurrection Flame is fully amplified and available for us to use. Is there something in your life that has been on the back burner for a while? Does your ability to create income feel flat? Maybe there’s a decision that […]

Stop Blaming Yourself
Stop blaming yourself. Mother Mary is so active in her messages right now . I didn’t want you to miss this one. She is asking us to come out of blame. Stop blaming yourself, especially for your financial condition. Here’s what she has to say. Watch this video (3:07). “Many of you are so use […]

There is Plenty
Mother Mary is wanting to speak to you through me more and more. Today she has a message for you and me about knowing there is plenty, because you are plenty. Here’s The Free Dictionary’s definition of plenty: a full or abundant supply or amount; the state or quality of being plentiful abundance; an abundance, as of […]

My Debt Story
My debt story! In my last video (Lady Hope and Your Debt) we were calling on Lady Hope, the Archaii of the Ascension Ray to help us go beyond the appearance of debt for ourselves and for all humanity. We are calling on assistance to help us release all guilt and shame and to take dominion in […]