
Divine Healing

Divine Healing

Is there a relationship in your life that’s ready for a divine healing? Who comes to mind when I ask you that question? Watch this video (2:38) to to hear more. In this earth school some of our relationships are tough.  That is to say they take a lot of energy and they’re not easy.  […]

Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel

Archangel Chamuel is the Archangel of Adoration. He and his Divine Complement, Lady Charity, are calling you to a different experience with your money. Are your financial transactions stressful or at ease? When is the last time that you thought of your money as part of the Divine? Archangel Chamuel can help your experience of […]

Lord Sanada

Lord Sanada

Full disclosure my friend, we are not alone.  Lord Sananda is right here with us. Fear is in our psyche about the Cosmos, and the Heavenly Realms.  Who and what is ‘out there anyway?’ The government and the media have lied to us for decades about UFO sightings and encounters. Making jokes about obvious evidence […]



Am I lovable? A Message from Kwan Yin and Mother Mary “There is a seed of self-loathing that we want to help transmute into pure Self-Love. It is so deep in the subconscious that it seems almost normal to most people.  Here are some examples of what it is costing you. You are over-giving in […]



Happy Shamballa Would you like to celebrate Thanksgiving with a Family of Light? We’ll be doing that in Sanctuary this Sunday, 11/25 @ 5PM PST. Beloved Gautama Buddha (the Lord of the World), Sanat Kumara (Regent to the Earth also the Ancient of Days) and Lord Maitreya (The Buddha) are inviting you to come and […]

Prayer for the Elections

Prayer for the Elections

Take a moment to to speak this prayer for the elections with Bozena   It will only take you 6:30 and the words are below.  This was part of our International Violet Flame Circle on Thursday morning. Bozena found this prayer in the Ascended Master’s Teaching Foundation prayer booklet and added her own prayer at the […]